Monday, 28 November 2011


Ron Arad
Concrete Stereo (1983)
record player, amplifier, two speakers, electronic components: incorporated into concrete

Su-Mei Tse
Stille Disco (2010)
installation of stone sculptures

Onkar Kular
Betacam Tape: The MacGuffin Library (2008)
black polymer resin

The broader my research is becoming, the more I want to cast in different materials. There are other avenues I could explore from my current position: the destruction/deformation of the original object; glazes and firing; the durability of the porcelain; digital production methods (CAD/CAM/CNC routers/laser and water-jet cutters???) etc: however it is the actual casting material that I want to plumb.

Resin seems like a natural choice as it'll result in a transparent solid that would provide considerable contrast to the ceramic objects. I'm really concerned though about the release agent as each each substance that I've researched (silicone/soap/beeswax/Vaseline oil/petroleum jelly/PVA/spray paint) seems to match success story for failure. It's important that the mold doesn't end up as a waste mold and is reusable, however as with any kind of casting it is essentially a game of chance.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

what - The mystery of the mega-selling floppy disk by Jason Palmer, BBC News, April 2010

"There are people who ride technology for as long as it can be ridden without falling over."

Are there really? I think that "old habits [do indeed] die hard" but surely our hands are forced when the technology of today shuns these 'habits' so entirely. Essentially there isn't anything that outperforms the floppy but still it finds itself supplanted. Why?

Monday, 14 November 2011


I've been thinking about delivery systems for a while now. It's a difficult thing to approach when the concept itself is still so ill-defined. There is, however, something quite charming about encasing the casts in the tape/disk carriers, as pictured above. They, rather conversely, become quite precious, due to their individual clear perspex display cabinets, and at the same time less precious as they move closer towards the object and further away from their fragile structural actuality. 

Friday, 11 November 2011



I can't seem to achieve the same level of exactness with the VHS/Betamax tapes as I have done with the cassette tapes, and this project doesn't afford me the time I think I'll need in order to do so. Because of this I've decided to focus my attention on the smaller devices (cassette tape/disks) for the time being.

Thursday, 10 November 2011


I'm relatively happy with the results of the cassette tape (what 26/10/11), however I am wanting to improve on the quality of the cast and move the reservoir to a less obvious position. They work really well as dumb objects, but they need more precision and exactness to avoid looking like naive casts. At the same time I'd like to (re)attempt to cast the above objects. I'm moving away from the devices used to read data, and focusing on the actual data storage discs/tapes. 

I have been really concerned that I'm trying to marry a concept and a process that don't sit well together, however I have this urge to make/cast, and I feel that there is something exciting in what I'm doing. Like Whiteread I think the idea of seriality and repetition could draw this out.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011


It's not possible to work in the manner in which I am and fail to register a connection with work by Rachel Whiteread. It comes up in tutorials and crits alike, and has resurfaced from time to time in my research. The most definitive parallel is that I cast directly from known and familiar objects.

Whiteread has demonstrated an almost unparalleled dedication to the process of casting, however avoids being typecast as a traditionalist by shifting from material to material (plaster/wax/resin/rubber/marble/aluminium) and working in seriality and repetition. Her work approaches the concept of dematerialisation by supplanting the object with it's opposite: the space around it.

Untitled: Twenty-Four switches (1998)

I saw this piece recently at Tate Liverpool. I was really surprised at first thinking that the cast captured positive space as opposed to negative (which is very unlike Whitread), however on closer reflection the switches and the screws are inverted which gives rise to the fact that the face, at least, is a negative cast. The thing that really struck me however was the fact that the switches are randomly positioned, and in a solid aluminium cast of a piece of electrical equipment, this portrays a very human influence. In much the same way that Essen used his antiquated concrete radio to broadcast recent events (the rioting and looting across the country in August of this year) it moves past process and artist to suggest the relationship between us and the object.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

postmodern postmortem

'I recently gave a lecture to a group of young artists: 20-somethings living in Berlin, born elsewhere. Among the languages I could identify I heard French, Portuguese and Swedish. Despite the linguistic diversity, my lecture went smoothly - until I made a joke about Postmodernism. No one laughed because no one knew what Postmodernism was. [...] The problem here was not a generational gap - that Postmodernism was replaced by globalization - but a shift in the way a common culture becomes, well, common. Our problem was not what we shared but how. Before the Internet, Postmodernism linked different people by designating different cultural phenomena. [...] These artists didn't need a culture - let alone a neologism - to bring them together:.Their Postmodernism is Facebook: not a catch-all phrase but a catch-everyone technology. The common comes automatically: the culture can always change. In light of social networks, the ubiquity of Postmodernism appears as its most revolutionary trait. The term likely disappeared so quickly because its force was not its multifaceted meaning but rather its capacity to link once-disparate cultural phenomena and once-distant people. Postmodernism may be the first word to become obsolete because it was replaced, not by another word like globalization, but by a technology that did the same job more effectively.' [...] The last bastion of subculture is not a particular style, let alone a super-hybrid version of Goths channelling Bad Brains, but an outdated technology, which resists online sharing. Writing in The Guardian in March, Dorian Lynskey noted how underground music labels like Scotch Tapes are reviving the near-defunct audio cassette - not just for nostalgia. "It keeps (the music) from becoming mainstream," said one fan. In short a subculture may rely on format, not content, to maintain its status and politics. Imagine telling a Rastafarian that vintage hairdryers, eight-track tape recorders and wooden long-stem pipes are more potent than dreadlocks, reggae and weed. But in our era of super-hybridity, the medium is truly the message.'

Allen, Jennifer (2010), Postmodern Postmortem: Has a theory been replaced by a technology?, frieze, Issue 133, September 2010, p.21. 

The September 2010 issue of frieze was a front to back, page-by-page read for me. Entitled super-hybridity?, it addressed my thoughts and fears on the acceleration of life, reality, media, culture, discipline, technology, communication, and on. I don't really understand the notion, if there even is a clearly defined one, of super-hybridity. It seems to skirt around origin; ownership; culture; identity; material; pace; method and a multitude of other constructs that start to make the term super-hybrid seem more like a headfuck than a sexy neologism. What I feel I do know, however, is that the experience of media plays a heady part in the discussion, and that makes it pertinent to my current position. I keep asking myself why I'm casting these objects. Yes, I believe it indexes an absence, combining that which is present with that which is the other, and also in a sense dematerialises the object by removing the original function, materiality, weight, density, opacity, etc (essentially the only recognisable element is form). But I don't think, at this stage, that that is enough.